23 Divya.B
Divya.B Roll no 23 3rd Semester Bimonthly blended assessment. GENERAL MEDICINE I have been the formative assessment for August 2021 in an attempt to to read analyse, comprehend, discuss and reflect upon the discussed patient-centered data which is required to achieve and understand the medical skills by a physician. This blog is made in response to the following question. Refer to the link below regarding assessment: https://2018- 21batchpgy3gmpracticals.blogspot.com/2021/08/18100006003-case-presentations.html?m=1 Reference video link: https://youtu.be/953auU42R0k QUESTION 1: - Peer to peer review: Long case: Qualitative insight The case presentation is very well done by the presentater. The case is clear cut with all the required test reports ,relevant scans and required pictures of a patient. The case is about the patient suffering from acute glomerulopathy (glomerulonephritis.). The patient self-c