
Showing posts from November, 2021
A 53 yr old came to opd with cheif complaints of bilateral edema since 10 days, shortness of breath since 4 days , decreased urine output,facial puffiness and loss of appetite since 2 days HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:  C/o B/L pedal odema since 10 days SOB since 4 days Decreased urine output Facial puffiness since 2 days Loss of appetite since 2 days HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS known case of HTN  since 1 1/2 yearand DM since 3 years. Alcoholic but stopped 3 years back GENERAL EXAMINATION: pallor  No cyanosis No clubbing  No icterus Bilateral pitting edema Vitals: Temp 97.5 F Pulse rate: 98/min RR: 27/min Bp: 160/90mm Hg Spo2 98% SYSTEMIC EXAMINATION CVS: NO thrills            No cardiac murmurs   RESP: Dyspnoea is present grade2-4            Wheezing present             Position of trachea - central ABDOMEN: distended                      No tenderness                      No palpable mass                      Free fluid is present                      Liver and spleen not b