
Showing posts from June, 2022

General Medicine Case Study Leprosy

30 June 2022 B.Divya Roll no 23, 5 th sem. A 75 yr old male patient who is resident of nalgonda labourer by occupation came to our hospital for eye surgery  CHIEF COMPLAINTS: Loss of vision-left eye Itching all over th body HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:  Patient has loss of vision in his left eye since one yr..he has itching all over the body since two months. HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 years back.Later,he developed deformities in his lower limbs(resorption and clawing of all the toes).he also lost all his senses(pain ,touch, temperature, vibration).he had hyperflexion of DIPJ nd hyperextension of PIPJ since 2-3 months .There is burning sensation allover his body. FAMILY HISTORY:     No history of DM HTN EPILEPSY asthma cardiovascular disease in his family PERSONAL HISTORY:  Mixed diet Married Normal bowel and bladder movements Abnormal sleep patterns No addictions GENERAL EXAMINATION: PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: No pallor  No icterus No cyanosis No lymphad

irritable bowel syndrome

GENERAL MEDICINE CASE PRESENTATION CASE SCENARIO  28/JUNE/2022 Pt aged 28 years female house wife came to opd with chief complaints of loose stools since 30 days associated with abdominal pain and generalised weakness. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS  She was asymptomatic 30 days back ,then she had diarrhea 4 days after visiting her aunt's house.She passes loose stools for 10 times a day and less in quantity and semi solid in consistency assosiated with abdominal pain that releived after passing stools not associated with any blood in stools and associated with generalised weakness. HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS  She visted 3 hospitals for same reason in past 15 days  and used medication which was not relieved. No H/o DM, HTN, Asthma , epilepsy, TB .  H/o three C- Sections No H/o previous medication TREATMENT HISTORY  NO history of previous medication  PERSONAL HISTORY  Married  Mixed diet  Loss of appetite  Abnormal sleeping patterns with nightmares. Irregular bowel habits MENSTRUAL HISTORY


CKD ON MHD) A 20 yr old female resident of ramulapenta came to opd with complaints of generalised oedema, vomitings and anuria. Chief complaints Generalised oedema Vomitings Anuria History of presenting illness She was diagnosed with renal failure 1 month back. History of past illness H/o DM since 10 yrs and on insulin  H/o Hypertension since 1 yr and on medication. H/o Generalized odema,Anuria, vomitings since 1 month and was on medication Family History No family H/o HTN,DM, Epilepsy, Asthma Personal history Not married Diet:mixed Loss of appetite Sleep : normal Bowel and Bladder movemts:normal No addictions Provisional Diagnosis:               CKD on MHD TREATMENT Lasix Ascorbate Folic Acid Calcium Telmisartan Investigations  

pain abdomen

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.  CHIEF COMPLAINT: A 78yrs old male carpenter by occupation came to opd with chief complaints of  Pain abdomen (left side) HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 week then he had a complaint of tonic movements of both upper and lower limbs which are of 3 to 4 episodes of duration 5 mins.He also had a complaint of post ictal confusion of duration 20-30 mins and also complaint of tongue bite. Then he had a complaint of chest pain on the left side since 3 days ,the pain is not radiating. No h/o cough,fever,SOB,headache,sudden onset,blurring of vision HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS: N/K/c/o:DM,HTN,Asthama,
B.Divya Roll no:23 5th sem Patient name:B.Somaiah Age:43yrs           This is the general medicine Online elog to discuss the health data by taking his consent.This will help to have patient centered care and learning the clinical cases effectively with collective current best evidence based  Inputs.        This is the ongoing inpatient case.The investigations are yet to be done and the samples were sent to laboratory for investigations. A 45 yr old male who is a driver by  occupation ,resident of thummalaguda came to the OPD with itching sensation and shortness of breath. Cheif complaints Shortness of breath Cough with expectoration Itching sensation all over the body  Increased urine output (15 times/day) Increased frequency of passing stools. History of present illness Shortness of breath since 30 days Itching all over the body  since 30 days Cough with  expectoration since 1 week Increased urination since 1 week Increased frequency of passing stools since 1 week History of past ill


 Patient name:B.Yadaiah        Diagnosis:CKD B.Divya 5 th sem Roll no:23 This is is an online E log book to discuss our patient's deidentified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed in formed consent.Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence-based inputs.This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning protfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome.   A CASE OF CHRONIC KIDNEY FAILURE A 62years old male patient came to the hospital with cheif complaints of nausea,loss of appetite, bilateral pedal edema since 1week. History of present illness. Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4years back then he developed weakness and pain in both lower limbs. Past history Known case oh hypertension  Not a known case of diabetes, TB, epilepsy,CAD,asthma Personal h

General Medicine case study .

B.Divya 5th sem Roll no 23 A male pt aged 50yrs a resident of Miryalguda  farmer by occupation was brought  to OPD by his son in law. Cheif complaints           Shortness of breath            Burning micturition           Headache            Throat pain  History of present illness   H/o shortness of breath since 1 yr H/o headache since 20days( occipital region) H/o neck pain since 1 yr. H/o throat pain since 4days(pricking type) History of past illness No H/o DM,Tb, Epilepsy,CKD, cardiovascular accidents. Cerebrovascular accident 25 yrs back. H/o previous medication (joint pains, headache,neck pain, shortness of breath) No H/o previous hospitalization. Family History His mother has Sob Personal History Married Occupation-farmer Appetite-normal Diet-mixed Sleeping habits:He has sleep alterations due to painsand discomfort. Bowel- regular Micturition- burning No H/o allergy Addictions- he smokes but stopped 2 yrs back.He smokes 4-5 cigerettes per day.He smoked for 40 yrs. Physical examin