23 B.Divya

23 B.Divya 

3rd semester


   This is an online e - log platform to discuss case scenario of patient with their guardian's permission


                A 75 yr old male patient resident of Suryapet came to causality with cheif complaints of breathlessness Complaints and duration : CKD Pedal edema Facial puffiness since 3 days Shortness of breath 

History of present illness : 

No h/o present illness.

History of past illness : 

 CkD on MHD ( analogue to nephropathy ) 

 Treatment history :

 No h/o Diabetes
  No h/o CAD 
 No h/o asthma
  No h/o tuberculosis 
Hypertension is present 
H/o blood transfusion (1) and surgery (1) P

Personal history : 

 Loss of appetite
  Bowel movements are regular
  Micturition is abnormal 
 No unknown allergies are seen 

 Family history : 

 No H/ o of diabetes , hypertension , stroke, cancer , Tb, asthma .  

General examination : 

 Patient is pallor 
no icterus 
No cyanosis 
 No clubbing of fingers
 No Lymphadenopathy . 
Edema of feet is seen 
 No h/o malnutrition 
 No h/o dehydration 

 Vitals :

 Temperature : 98.4 F 
Pulse rate : 86 beats / min 
 Respiratory rate : 18 / min Bp : 110 / 70 S

ystemic examination : 


 No thrills
  No cardiac murmurs

 Respiratory system :

 Dyspnoea is seen 
 No wheezing sounds
  Position of trachea is central
  Breath sound - vesicular

 Abdominal examination : 

 Shape - scaphoid 
 No tenderness 
 No palpable mass 
 Liver and spleen - non palpable 
 Bowel sounds are present 

 CNS : 

 Patient is conscious 
 Speech normal
  No neck stiffness 
 Cranial nerves , motor and sensory system are normal 

 Provisional diagnosis :CKD ON MHD.


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